What are the disadvantages of using dedicated hosting for clients. There is really only one major disadvantage when comparing dedicated to shared hosting: cost. The price of an entry-level dedicated server can easily be ten times higher than a small virtual account, and will almost always be at $ 100 per month range (if not higher). However, if you make a smart decision about hosting, this really compares apples to oranges. A company that requires dedicated hosting can not provide the same web experience to users if hosted on a virtual account; in fact, it is likely that a website that has to run on a dedicated server will not even work properly on a shared account. For clients whose sites (or sites) need dedicated hosting, the cost should be easily managed.
It can also be said that there is a disadvantage to a dedicated server if the client selects an unmanaged package, because the server administration can take some time and require expertise on the part of the customer. This is easily handled, though, by choosing managed server solutions that typically do not cost much more than unmanaged packages.
The ultimate minor disadvantage is that common software, script or platform installation is not included with the dedicated server package as most shared control panel hosting with one click installation. In most cases, however, tasks are not too difficult to perform and many hosting companies are willing to help, if necessary, as part of their support services.
(There are some drawbacks to dedicated hosting when compared to colocation - buying all the hardware and renting shelf space at a nearby server company - but since colocating servers are only a realistic possibility to the largest of clients, the issues do not really matter to the majority of customers hosting.) Simply put, the VPS (virtual private server) hosting is actually shared hosting designed to "mimic" the advantages of a dedicated server at a lower cost.VPS accounts are set on servers that are shared with a small number of clients, each of which has their own separate piece of machine with its own dedicated resources and storage.