Dedicated hosting is a totally dedicated web server for the needs of one client. A shared hosting account is often enough for a small company just starting out on the web. This easily enables them to establish an online presence, brand position and their products, and start collecting leads or selling items. However, as companies begin to grow and business take on, or when the site becomes larger and more complex with the corresponding increase in traffic, the website may slow down, begin to fall behind, or stop responding altogether. That means the site needs more resources than has been available and shared hosting is no longer enough. It's time to look at dedicated hosting.
What is Dedicated Hosting? Of all the terms used by hosting companies, dedicated hosting is probably the most easy to understand. It simply means that the web server is really dedicated to the needs of one client. No other customer shares the machine or resources, and the client can set up and then use the server in any way a look match. It can host one very large site, host a number of smaller sites, or even let another company use multiple servers if it chooses.
With a dedicated hosting package, the client does not have a server. It's just rented, and machine and maintenance costs are included in the client's monthly fee. The price of a special box is largely based on the type and specification of the computer (for example, the customer will pay extra for a stronger processor or additional memory) and the amount of bandwidth allocated to the account. Whether server administration and support are included in the price of a dedicated hosting package depends on individual web hosts, as well as those that have responsibility for software and operating system upgrades. Dedicated hosting gives the client full root access to the server, so it can be configured as desired.
Advantages of Dedicated Hosting. If you need dedicated hosting and your budget supports it, dedicated servers hold a number of major advantages over shared hosting packages. Performance and reliability: Since no other client is hosted on a dedicated server, no one else site uses any of the memory or bandwidth. That means website speed, uptime and overall performance are maximized without any sudden or unexpected problems caused by another spike of clients in traffic. Control and flexibility: Strong sites often need very specific configuration, software or resource allocation is not possible when the server is being shared with multiple users who have very different needs. With dedicated hosting, the machine can create and run according to the client's requirements. It's also possible that the client will not directly use all the resources of a server, giving space to grow the web presence without the need to change the hosting settings; in most cases, the server can only be upgraded if more memory or storage space is needed. Security: With virtual hosting, clients must rely on web hosts to patch security holes and update vulnerable server software. On a dedicated hosting plan, the client has the option to deal with security issues immediately. Additionally, since no other customer has a site on the server, there is no chance that someone else can run a site that could be compromised by a virus or attack affecting the entire machine.